Yasmina became a nutritional therapist after discovering that a healthy lifestyle and diet had profound positive consequences for her and her family.  In her mid-thirties, Yasmina was diagnosed with an auto-immune form of thyroid disease having no known genetic predisposition or past health issues. The diagnosis came as a shock and the future looked bleak: long term medication possibly followed by radiotherapy and the removal of the thyroid gland. In the midst of completing a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of West London in nutritional therapy, she focused her attention on the impact of diet, lifestyle and environmental factors on general health and immunity. With the help of qualified naturopathic practitioners, she devised her own treatment plan. Yasmina has been in full remission for the past 10 years, without the need for invasive surgery or medical treatments.

Yasmina currently practice all aspects of nutrition. She regularly attends conferences and seminars presented by industry leaders enabling her to stay up-to-date.  As a result, her clients benefit from the latest thinking, scientific analysis and new developments in the profession.

As a trained practitioner, Yasmina is bound by the code of ethics imposed by the British Association For Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).